The Allocations and Investments Committee (AIC) is appointed by the Foundation Board to advise the Board on the investment of funds. AIC members have significant investment experience and, with the assistance of asset consultant JANA, provide the Board with expert advice regarding investment decisions including asset allocation and the selection of investment managers.

The Foundation’s objective is to maximise investment returns over a rolling 10-year investment horizon, subject to limiting the risk of a reduction in the real value of the corpus. Performance is measured against a target return of CPI + 5% (recently adjusted down from CPI + 6%pa) after fees. The Foundation avoids speculative investments and maintains a diversified portfolio. Scholarship funds are managed with the purpose of distributing 4% each year.

AIC committee members

  • Michael Stapleton (P’91) (Chair)
  • Angus Coote (FB’94)
  • Jacinda Dixon
  • Vanessa Mahon (Chair, Geelong Grammar Foundation)
  • Bill Ranken (M’72)

To view our current Financial Summary, please visit our latest Impact of Giving Report.

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