Charlie Sutherland (P’86), President of the Biddlecombe Society, was delighted to host and welcome many of our members, together with their guests, to the annual Melbourne lunch held at the Glasshouse, Olympic Park. Also present was Principal, Rebecca Cody, Paddy Handbury, Chair of Council, and Vanessa Mahon, Chair of the Foundation. It was very pleasing to also have a large number of other guests attend who had indicated their interest and wanted to learn more about the bequest programme and Biddlecombe Society.

There were a number of speakers, including Rebecca Cody and our 2024 School Captains, Olivia Mann (Yr12 Cl) and Hudson Siebel (Yr12 M), who attended and spoke about their time at Geelong Grammar School (GGS). In addition, we were very fortunate that Easton Wood (Cu’07) was able to join us. Easton spoke about his time at GGS and what role the School had played not only in his footballing career but also subsequently in his current role within the world of recruitment as a senior consultant at Hassett.

In his address, Charlie noted how special it was to have 35 years of past Council Leadership in the room – Jonathan Breadmore (FB’55) 1989-97; John McInnes OAM (Cu’58) 1997-2004; Jeremy Kirkwood (FB’79) 2004-2019; and Paddy Handbury (M’72) 2020-. This was greatly appreciated by all in attendance and received well deserved applause.

Interest in the Biddlecombe Society continues to grow within the wider GGS community and overall membership is rising steadily. Three people were presented with their pins.

Click to view a gallery from the luncheon.