Sustainability action supports the wellbeing of all members of Geelong Grammar and our broader community. By working towards regeneration and sustainability improvements, we are taking action to help the community to thrive, and to follow our collective purpose of shaping a better world. Our Sustainability Policy guides how we embed effective initiatives, set targets, and make decisions that support this purpose.

Governance and Community

Demonstrate effective practices and sustainability leadership.

Energy and Transport

Reduce emissions from energy consumption and transport.

Waste and Circular Economy

Reduce waste and promote the circular, share and repair economies.

Biodiversity, Agriculture and Water

Care for and regenerate our land.

“At GGS, the vision of sustainability is to coexist with our environment, meeting our current needs without compromising the needs of future generations.”
~ Paddy Handbury (M’72), Chair of Council
Our sustainability journey

Our original sustainability strategy was developed and approved by School Council in 2020, beginning a process of adapting our overall business plan to include sustainable initiatives, and leading to the appointment of our first Sustainability Manager in 2022. Since then, we have joined Victoria’s ResourceSmart Schools Program and developed our own GGS Sustainability Policy to guide us into the future.

Sustainability action plan

Sustainability is a key cross-curriculum priority, and each year the School develops an annual action plan in consultation with staff and students. Actions are spread across all campuses and policy areas, and mapped against UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly goals 4, 7, 11, 12, 13 and 15. We are stepping through the process of embedding sustainability in our curriculum at every opportunity from ELC to senior school, including the launch of Environmental Science as a VCE subject for the first time in 2024. We run multiple Days of Action each year to strategically work on each area and engage our entire community. These days have included Clean Up Australia Day, Earth Hour, World Environment Day and Schools Tree Planting Day.

Environmental Action Team

Students are encouraged to become involved through the Environmental Action Team (EAT), a collaborative group of students and staff working together to discuss sustainability initiatives and implement them across all campuses. The EAT leads our efforts to build an informed school community that understands the responsibility we all have in protecting our natural resources and environment. We encourage all members of our community to become leaders and advocates for sustainable living and environmental stewardship.

ResourceSmart Schools

Geelong Grammar is a member of ResourceSmart Schools (RSS), a program offered by Sustainability Victoria that helps schools embed sustainability practices and resources into their curriculum. Students are encouraged to get involved at all four of our campuses, contributing to environmental care, sustainability projects and more. Embedding sustainability into education helps the whole School community embody what it means to live sustainably. In 2023, our efforts saw us recognised as a finalist in the RSS Awards for Emerging School of the Year.

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