The School’s policies, procedures, guidelines and reports are developed in line with statutory guidance, regulatory requirements, Local Authority requirements and best practice, and reflect Geelong Grammar School’s commitment to ensuring that the working and learning environment fosters positive relationships free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and bullying.

Through respect for ourselves and for others, we create a friendly, safe and welcoming school environment.  Policies and procedures to assist this commitment are provided below. Current parents and students can view additional school policies via The Hive (parent portal, login is required).

The School’s Student Safeguarding Framework, which includes the Student Safeguarding Strategy, Student Safeguarding Policy and Student Safeguarding Code of Conduct, is reviewed annually and re-endorsed by the School Council at its annual August meeting. Other School policies and procedures are reviewed, updated and re-endorsed on a cyclical basis or as required.

The School welcomes feedback from the School Community regarding any policies and procedures, including Students, parents and School Employees, at any time. Please kindly email safeguarding@ggs.vic.edu.au.

Student Safeguarding Policy
Code of Conduct
Student Safeguarding Strategy
Reportable Conduct Policy
Obligation to Protect Policy
Obligation to Disclose Policy
Mandatory Reporting Policy
Duty of Care Policy
Anti Bullying Policy


 As part of the compliance requirements of the Australian Government’s Schools Assistance Regulations 2009 (made under the Schools Assistance Act 2008), all schools are required to ensure that School Performance Information is made publicly available as stipulated by subsection 21 (2) of the Act.


The School has previously been granted an exemption from the Victorian Civil and Administrative
Tribunal (VCAT) under section 89 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) (the Act) to provide the
School with the ability to maintain a coeducational balance by differentiating between students based
on gender. The exemption was in force until 30 March 2024.

VCAT has this month considered an application under the Act by the School to renew the exemption
(the Renewal Application). The Renewal Application was made to enable the School, from time to
time, to undertake the activities and conduct for the purposes of achieving gender balance as set out
in the Notice provided below for your reading. The Exemption is sought in relation to all campuses for
a further period of five years.

The Exemption has previously been applied predominantly at Toorak Campus, where there is a gender imbalance, with more boys than girls. Toorak Campus is positioned in an area which has a high concentration of single sex girls’ schools and the exemption has enabled the School to for example, structure enrolments lists to target prospective female students, offer places to female students, offer incentive rebates or scholarships for girls at particular year levels, or structure student class numbers to address a gender imbalance.

Our School strongly believes that coeducation sets our learners for success, and we want to ensure
that all students have the benefit of co-education across all our campuses. Our School also values diversity and inclusivity. Everyone has the right to feel safe, valued and accepted, regardless of race, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation. We actively promote an inclusive, respectful and connected School culture that values the participation of all students. The proposed renewed exemption from the Equal Opportunity Act will not dilute our commitment to nurturing a learning and working environment that is positive and supportive for all members of our School community.

VCAT Notice: dated 13 May 2024

To ensure that overseas students enjoy a safe and rewarding experience whilst studying in Australia, the Australian Government has established safeguards and laws to promote quality education and consumer protection for overseas students. These laws are known as the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Legislative Framework, and include the ESOS Act 2000 and related legislation, and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018).

As a registered provider of education and training services to overseas students, Geelong Grammar School is required to comply with the ESOS framework.

Geelong Grammar School is registered with the Commonwealth Government, CRICOS listing 00143G, and offers the following courses:

015229M Primary Years (Prep – Year 6); 005326D Secondary Years (Year 7 – 12)