Tuesday, 13 August 2024
6.00pm to 8.00pm
Presentations in DD Play House, SPACE, Corio Campus
Refreshments served in JK Foyer, SPACE following the presentations
Free for parents

Geelong Grammar School Soccer Players, their Parents and Coaches are warmly invited to the 2024 Soccer EOS Function.

Please note: As this is the final formal Season engagement for the Players, attendance of all Middle School and Senior School Soccer Players is expected. The cost ($25) will be charged to the school account unless an apology, sent to events@ggs.vic.edu.au, is received by the rsvp date of 6 August.

Any Parents planning to attend, please submit a booking form online by 6 August.

Dress: Smart casual (Adults); No.1’s (Students)

Enquiries & student apologies (by 6 August) to: Iga Bajer, Support Groups Coordinator; E: events@ggs.vic.edu.au; T: (+61 3) 5227 6285