Friday, 23 August 2024
5.00pm for 5.30pm
Presentations in DD Play House, SPACE, Corio Campus
Meal served in JK Foyer, SPACE following the presentations
$50 per person

Geelong Grammar School Football Players, their Parents and Coaches are warmly invited to the 2024 Football EOS Function.

Please note: As this is the final formal Season engagement for the Players, attendance of all Middle School and Senior School Football Players is expected. The cost ($50) will be charged to the school account unless an apology, sent to events@ggs.vic.edu.au, is received by the rsvp date of 16 August.

Parents are asked to pay for their own tickets online.

Dress: Smart casual (Adults); No.1’s (Students)

Enquiries & student apologies (by 16 August) to: Iga Bajer, Support Groups Coordinator; E: events@ggs.vic.edu.au; T: (+61 3) 5227 6285