In 1997, a group of dedicated parents formed a committee to promote the concept of an equestrian facility at Geelong Grammar School. With the approval of the Headmaster, Mr. Lister Hannah, plans were drawn and the construction of the Geelong Grammar School Equestrian Centre began with the development of the Shell paddocks. Initially, paddocks were created; laneways and 6 day yards and a horse wash were constructed. A barn was built for the storage of hay and students’ equipment.
In 1998, with the aid of the Geelong Grammar Foundation, the supporters’ committee successfully campaigned for funds for the provision of horse shelters to the paddocks and the extension to the barn. At the same time, a ménage was built to provide a proper working surface.
In 1999, supporter group fundraising enabled an extension to the barn, the provision of toilet facilities and roofing to the day yards.
In 2002, the Principal, Mr Nicholas Sampson, gave permission for senior school students to elect equestrian as a sport. In the same year, a cross-country course was built in the area adjacent to the equestrian centre with supporter assistance.
In 2003, the Geelong Grammar Pony Club was formed and is affiliated with The Pony Club Association of Victoria. Geelong Grammar School Equestrian members provide assistance, when required, with the running of the Pony Club.
In 2005, a round yard and further pony yards were constructed.
In 2006, with the assistance of the supporter group and a grant from the Old Geelong Grammarians, a show jumping arena was constructed to accommodate the growing number of students participating in equestrian activities. A further 8 day yards were built to accommodate the increasing number of horses agisted at the school.
In 2007, our first official dressage arena – Wellington Arena – profited from Dressage and Showjumping Day.
In 2008, the locker room was extended to house extra students. Also a new hay shed constructed as a separate building away from tack area.
In 2009, three more dressage arenas profited from Dressage and Showjumping Day.
In 2010, 4 level water jump was kindly donated by Marine Training Services. Also a new set of show jumps was purchased once again from profits from Dressage and Showjumping Day (with Stuck On You producing stickers for these jumps).
In 2013, the David William Robert Knox Equestrian Centre was opened at Geelong Grammar School.
In 2017, 9 steel undercover cross tie tack up areas were added.