Hockey as a sport effectively began at Geelong Grammar School after the Melbourne Olympics in 1956. From its initial years as something of a Cinderella sport played on the rough paddock of Kow Flat, through to the early 2000s when hockey grew to become a very significant sport for both boys and girls. Today, hockey is played on the synthetic surface of the Norman Bender Centre.
The initial attempts of establishing a Hockey Club Steering Committee were made in late 2006 by the likes of Dick Johnson (GGS Staff 1966-1988) and interested hockey parents like Jennie Reed. By the end of 2008, however, the interest had waned. A revival of the GGS Hockey Support Group was facilitated in September 2011 by a hockey parent, Sally Kincaid. The first AGM of the Inaugural Committee was held and a hockey parent, Debbie Haines, became the first elected President of the Group.
Since then, the Group continues its support of the students and the Head of Hockey in three ways, by providing:
– morning teas and regular barbecue at the Bender Centre for all players, both GGS and visitors
– assistance in the organisation of the end-of-season dinner including fundraising for the Group on the night
– support at the pre-season camp where necessary.
The overarching goal of the Group is to support the players and coaches and engender a sense of team and pride in the sport and representation of the School.
A current, specific focus is to grow the Group membership with particular attention paid to the Middle School cohort, in the hope that their increased involvement would ensure the strength of the Group moving forward.