Another GGS treasure from the School Archives
The generosity of Geelong Grammar families was evident on 1 November 1915, All Saints Day, when the Chapel of All Saints was consecrated. The building itself was donated by the Falkiner family, and others gave gifts of beautiful objects, textiles and furniture, many of which were exquisitely designed in the Arts and Crafts style that was prevalent at the time. Frederick Pincott, first president of the Old Geelong Grammarians, gave this brass alms dish, which was used to collect the offering from the congregation during the mass.
The letters ‘IHC’ in the centre of the dish refer to the Greek word for Jesus, and the words ‘To do good, and to distribute forget not’ are the first part of a piece of scripture (Hebrews 13:16) which concludes ‘for with such sacrifices God is pleased’. Alms were distributed from Sunday collections to worthy causes; the ‘poor box’ in the chapel was also regularly emptied, and its contents given to those in need.